2/05/2011 Debian Squeezy Release Party and Live Microblogging

Hi again Folks!

During the last months the Team of Security and Developers of Debian proyect have been working in a Squeezy the next release of Debian Stable,in the maintime in around the world is doing a parties today 5 and 6 of february ,for these today i share the next links ,there you will found all information about the party and your town here,also  is starting  a party line in the account of Identi.ca/debian  .The Debian Party Line is a distributed release celebration. Using mumble we can all voice chat together, on a virtual party line.

Some Details :


Debian users and developers.


February 5th and 6th.

We will follow the events leading up to the release of Squeeze. Developers who have a view into the process are invited to provide play-by-play commentary. And then we will ring in the new release.


February 5th

  • 1:00 GMT - party line officially opens, but this may be a quiet time (check if your sound setup works, etc)

  • 14:00-23:59 GMT - Joey plans to be on the party line during much of this time period, to welcome guests and provide play-by-play of the release process.

February 6th

  • 14:00 GMT - Joey resumes play-by-play if release hasn't happened yet

  • 23:59 GMT - party line probably closes


Everywhere there's bandwidth. Mumble needs 10-40 kbit/s outgoing bandwidth, and the same amount incoming for each user who's talking. We hope any reasonable broadband connection will do.

The mumble server is mumble.debian.net. It is located in the UK.


See instructions for using mumble.

In Colombia :

Colombia Chaparral-Tolima

  • When: El 5 o 6 febrero (el día será cuando se pueda descargar la versión estable de la página oficial)

  • Where: en mi casa :) (en las profundidades inexorables de mi habitación)

  • What: pos no se... zurumba, chicha lo que sea... se descargará la versión estable y se procederá a la instalación del sistema operativo y subsecuentemente a la instalación y configuración de algunos programas

  • Bring: pos upe turupe que tampoco se... ahí verán

nota: como al parecer y hasta donde me he enterado en donde habito soy el único que utiliza Gnu-Linux entonces realizaré la fiesta de lanzamiento sólo... esto con el objetivo primero de disfrutar de la instalación de la nueva versión estable de Debian y también con el objetivo tal vez de incentivar a que en un futuro sean más las personas que realicemos y participemos de esta fiesta de lanzamiento

Colombia: Bogotá



  1. oscar3425

  2. AndresVia

Colombia: Medellin

Colombia: Pereira

  • When: February 5, 2011 - 19:00

  • Where: Parnaso Bar - Cr6 23-35

  • What: Beer, food, talk, meet debian users

  • Bring: Whatever you want

  • More info: diegomad(at)gmail(dot)com - webchat




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