4/13/2012 Ipod Touch Resources and Tools

Recently for my everyday i's searching for a good calculator like g48+ or similar to these 128k ...etc..etc but i thought to myself "it would be  awesome buy a ipod touch and emulate that calculator and other apps...so why not ? "

My  everyday is between  university,home,and finally pubs,but trying to think  like a researcher i need a simple piece of hardware that could help me in some fields...what can i do if i need to sniff packages in a bank or other similar places well ...an ipod Touch  is the  answer to this.So in this blog post i will share some useful links  about ipod or iphone for penetration testing :






[6]http://www.dragonjar.org/iphoneipod-touch-como-herramienta-de-test-de-penetracion-i-de-iii.xhtml (spanish version)

[7]http://www.dragonjar.org/iphoneipod-touch-como-herramienta-de-test-de-penetracion-ii-de-iii.xhtml (spanish )

[8]http://www.dragonjar.org/iphoneipod-touch-como-herramienta-de-test-de-penetracion-iii-de-iii.xhtml (spanish )

[9]http://www.securitybydefault.com/2010/05/aplicaciones-de-seguridad-en-iphone.html (spanish)

[10]http://labs.dragonjar.org/video-tutorial-ataque-mitm-desde-un-iphone-ipod-touch (video spanish )

[11]http://goo.gl/zP2ko in waybackmachine.org


Discussion :http://seclists.org/pen-test/2010/Jun/50

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